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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth


Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Feb 19, 20211 min read
Ashtanga Yoga is my anchor
Ashtanga Yoga has huge benefits for both our physical and mental health. Even seemingly less challenging postures get the heart beating,...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Feb 19, 20211 min read
Change is the only constant
“There is always a light within us that is free from all sorrow and grief, no matter how much we may be experiencing suffering.” –...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Jul 2, 20201 min read
Freedom in practice (lockdown thoughts)
Ashtanga Yoga can be a refuge in uncertain times. It can help us feel more grounded in our bodies, and more lucid in our minds. There’s...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Jul 2, 20202 min read
Focus = flow
I studied Patanjali’s Yoga Sūtras over the 9 months of my teacher training and one of the things I love about the sutras is that it’s...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
May 26, 20202 min read
I wasn’t always strong.....
I wasn’t always strong. As I hit my 40s, despite lots of running, a bit of weight training, various fitness classes, I was developing...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Jan 18, 20202 min read
Samasthiti ~ finding our foundation
We begin every class by spending a few moments in Samasthiti (or ‘equal standing’) as pictured. It is the practice of standing with...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Jan 6, 20202 min read
Ashtanga Yoga~Our daily medicine
As some of my students are discovering and have mentioned to me, practicing Ashtanga yoga is like a form of medicine. The postures are...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Dec 27, 20191 min read
Bhujapidasana! Why it’s worth it!
Bhujapidasana - at first it is possibly the most dreaded postures of ashtanga primary series, although it’s only half way through! but...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Dec 9, 20193 min read
The magic of repetition
As most of my students know, my hubby has been attending all my classes since I first started teaching about 7 years ago and he’s gone...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Dec 7, 20193 min read
What’s bandha?
The three focal points of breath, bandhas and dristi (gaze point), known as the Tristhana method, is unique to Ashtanga Yoga, and helps...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Dec 3, 20192 min read
What’s that yoga breath?
Nowadays the accurate way to refer to the breath used in the Ashtanga practice is “breathing with sound.” Not Ujjiya. Just deep free...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Dec 1, 20193 min read
How Ashtanga Yoga helps anxiety....
Like so many things, anxiety has a cognitive component and a physical one. The two components cause each other, like chickens and eggs....
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Nov 24, 20191 min read
Building flexibility within our practice...
Every time we practice Ashtanga Yoga we take our joints through their full range of motion. Here in Ardha baddha padmottanasana, the...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Nov 23, 20192 min read
Headstands and other inversions....
It is generally accepted that the health benefits of inversions are pretty incredible both mentally and physically so worth working...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Nov 20, 20192 min read
Just when you think it's all over!
I grew to love this posture Utpluthih....just when you think it’s all over, there’s that one final posture. Reminding you that you always...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Nov 19, 20193 min read
What is it about 'moon days'?
Some Ashtanga practicioners follow the tradition of not practicing on full moon days due to an ‘increased risk of injury’ (because of an...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Nov 19, 20191 min read
Bamboo Clothing rocks!
Over the moon to be asked to collaborate with wonderful Bamboo Clothing, local and sustainable fashion.... Here’s a wonderfully written...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Nov 19, 20192 min read
There is no age limit on ashtanga and joy....
It’s always great to see so many ‘older’ students coming to my classes and really embracing all the benefits of practicing Ashtanga yoga...
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Ashtanga Yoga Plymouth
Nov 18, 20193 min read
“Why did you touch my back?” Why I assist during class....
Occasionally a student will say to me “why did you press my back? Am I doing it wrong?” And my answer is always a resounding “NO” and a...
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